sumoboy @ 2009-11-23 20:40:00
Went to watch the Chipmunk at work today.
...The weather was great, it was a perfect day to shoot his drama. So, I had one and a half hours of chipmunk kakkoi-ness. The chipmunk was dressed in a black jacket and scarf. He was working 3 jobs really, at the same time. In between shoots, while the crew was preparing the set, he was giving interviews as well as posing for magazine shots. This was the first time I have ever stood around and watched a drama filming, and watching him, I realised something : it must really hard to be in the limelight all the time, with so many pairs of eyes on you. There were only about 60 pple today, just bystanders. How much harder it must be to concentrate if there were hundreds or thousands more. You put on eyedrops, pple stare, you get your nose powdered, people stare, you do a monitor check, people stare, you pose for the cameras, pple stare somemore. Of course, concerts are different, the work there is getting starred at, but for other normal day-to-day work, I can imagine it takes great powers of concentration just to shut everything that is irrelevant out.
He would run to the monitors to check everytime a shoot finished and he was able to concentrate on his work even though he knew there were all these pairs of eyes on him. In between takes, he would pose for the cameraman for his magazine shoots. With him like within 20m from me looking so cute and kakkoi, I was dying to go kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa there and then, but under the circumstances, it would have been insane for me to do that, so I had to contend with silent kyaaaaaaaas in my heart and mumble to myself every few secs.....'kakkoi!!!!' CHO Kakkoiiiiiiiii') ^ ^ ;
You could tell the fan girls there the moment you saw them. There was this girl who went there to watch him and she brought his mini uchiwa. O_o I didn't think that was very appropriate, There was another girl who brought binos!!!! It's a dorama shooting for heavens sake, not an Arashi con!! There is an appropriate time and place for everything, sister.
When it was over, he took off his jacket and scarf and gave it to his assistant, revealing a suit underneath (OMG...... I nearly died again there - kakkoiiiiiii) . Then he strode off, with his entourage, followed by the horde of groupie fangirls trailing after him. All the while, he ignored them, and walk away like nothing was happening, despite the fact that there was mad scrambling going on behind him. XD
( What perfect timing, he wrapped up as I had to run to my next appointment. How considerate! :p)
As i watched him disappear out of sight, I couldn't help but think that fame is really a double edged sword.(с)Бурундук?!?! Бурундук???????????? *обморок*
это чрезвычайно милый зверек, но я... не ожидала, что ли... хотя сходство, конечно, прослеживается. но он же Бэмби, натуральный Бэмби!
пост душераздирающий.
хотя, с другой стороны, я не считаю, что в данный момент его жизни съемки на улицах города в присутствии десятка зевак, плюс одновременно интервью и фотосет, составляют для Шо какую-то проблему, особенно в плане игнорирования толпы наблюдателей. десять лет опыта как-никак. обычное физическое утомление гораздо проблематичнее.
и боже мой, мне даже не снилось...
он прекрасен. чудо-человечек.