здесьпочему Шо написал рэп к Where is the Love?On his last Sho Beat which aired on March 30, 2008 *cries*, Sho explains the reasons behind why he wrote these rap lyrics:
"This is the first number for the evening. This song… I’ve wanted to play this on the radio for a very long time, but no e-mails came that would complement well with this song. There also wasn’t an opportunity for me to come forth with it so I wasn’t able to play it, but I would like to share this with you now. This is a song that I performed during my solo concert: a rap using the song, “Where is the Love?” by the Black Eyes Peas. The opening, or the intro of this song, starts with me sitting in front of a TV screen watching the images of 9/11. I only wrote a short verse but it is filled with feelings I felt then. I packed everything into those lyrics. The reasoning behind why I wrote this stems from a good friend of mine, an old friend, who was in Israel at the time. For children who live in such places, becoming a soldier when they grow up is quite a natural concept. This is not limited to Israel; I think there are plenty of other nations sharing similar sentiments. Though I feel it shouldn’t be this way, such notions exist everywhere. When I hear stories like that, I realize that it’s not about growing up, getting a job, and, let’s see… having a family, for example. They’re mostly concerned about growing up, handling a gun, and heading into the battlefield. Those sentiments were shocking to me, so I wrote these lyrics. Anyway, I hope you’ll give it a listen."вот так вдруг - не знала, не хотела, не думала, не искала ни разу - находятся вот такие личные тексты, практически в душу заглянула. и хотя он не сказал ничего, что меня бы лично удивило, ибо при его уме, критичности, уровне образованности и погруженности в мировые события странно ожидать иного, но знать его мысли - удивительно.