Мерседес МакНаб, то бишь ненаглядная красавица
Хармони, появится в
Не поняла, когда, где и как, и не слишком ли быстро ей оторвут голову, как многим мечтается, но сам факт -
Ха-а-армо-о-о-они-и-и!!!!!! : ))))))
слямзила где-то в фленте, про первоначальный источник даже не спрашивайте! просто признаюсь, что где-то валялось : ))))Question: I was thinking of writing to the producers of Supernatural to suggest that they bring you on for an episode and change the show name to "Scoopernatural. "Maybe convince me to go through with it by offering up a pooplet? — Sheryl
Ausiello: I am an artist — I can't be bought. Rented, yes. But bought? How dare you? That said, the Nov. 15 episode ought to be a treat for Buffy/Angel fans, and not just because it's vampcentric, either. Mercedes McNab — the scene-stealer who played dumb blonde Harmony on both shows — has just been signed to guest as a toothsome chick who recalls for the Winchester boys the night she picked up more than a hangover while out clubbing.