01.10.2010 в 19:27 Пишет
Шо такой Шо *_____*В интервью в винк апе: "Когда Горбачев-сан спросил, сколько мне лет, я ответил, что 28, он сказал: "О, я думал, тебе где-то 16 или 17". Я был так счастлив услышать это" xDDDD
URL записиапд: (Meeting) Gorbachev-san is a recent thing I've done. I went to Moscow for 24-hour television's report.
... I didn't know I was actually going to meet Gorbachev-san. It was great...meeing the leader of the Soviet Union is the thing I liked the most. He's the first and the last president, so...I was moved. It's something like being moved, I was working as well so I shouldn't be surprised..I guess you can call it a challenge. I was moved by that. Then, in the end of the interview, he asked how old I was. When I said I was 28, he said "I thought you were 16 or 17 years old"...I was kind of happy (laughs). After I went to Moscow, I visited Germany and Romania for the report. So I saved lots of stamps (laughs). After we finished shooting in those places, REALLY every week, I went somewhere...I even went to Hiroshima last week. More and more, I forget where I'm at (laughs) (с) ребенок запахался. и все равно выглядит на 16 ))) и ему, кстати, это льстит! неожиданно! я думала, большой, грозный Шо-сан в приоритете будущих подчиненных запугивать одним появлением.