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Nikkan Sports, Press conf. of Masaki Aiba (27) of Arashi starring “1000 dreams I have with you” was held in Tokyo.
...He talks about as “strange episode” the story that he was locked out of hotel room when he went to toilet he went out the room half asleep.” As I wear only underpants I couldn’t go to lobby. I kept sleeping there and in the morning Jun Matsumoto came to wake me up.” About Mizukawa Asami (26) “We don’t date. We are friends,” he denied. Daily Sports, Love with Mizukawa was reported. At press conf. “Do I have any special person? I don’t have one“press asked “Do you date?” “No, she is a friend.” Another question.” Don’t you date?” “no” he denied love relationships It was first time he talks about this matter. Sponichi, He expressed his wishes “I hope I want to make the play that you can feel something.” Question “Who do you want to dream with?” He answerers “I don’t have specific person.” About Mizukawa “She is a friend, we don’t date.” H denied the report. Sponichi, “ As I plan this play will be great success I want to hang out for this dream.” Ryousi Tayama (58) as his father’s role. “when I look at me in the mirror I thought I ‘m looking like Aiba-kun. I think we can make parent –kid.” Aiba “look-alike” with bitter smile. Hochi, Oricon, he was asked real strange experience, He disclosed the episode, when he was on the concert tour of Arashi, when he stayed at the hotel, he woke up for toilet he went out the room and locked out his room at corridor. “I thought, me in underpants, can’t go to lobby. I waited people wake up. I fell in sleep there.” Next day the member of Arashi Jun Matsumoto woke him up, it didn’t come to big issue. But this is not strange experience but it’s smiling episode, he cleared the atmosphere.
ну и, конечно же, все ему поверили, ага.