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читать дальше 1. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is currently seeking two new actresses to join the cast of the show for Season Two. "Becky" is a teenage girl (high school age) and is said to be a "hot hipster." She's probably going to be a love interest for John. "Catherine" is the CEO of a major organization and is said to be "unusually Earthy." She'll be in her 30's or early 40's.We'll let you know when and if any casting announcements are made. Both roles are said to be series regulars.
Если я правильно поняла, идет кастинг двух актрис. Одна молодая и горячая, явно в подружки Джону (правильно, оставим Кэм для любимого дяди Дерека!), а другая зрелая и необычная «землянка» годов 30-40 в качестве главы администрации, только я не поняла какой именно. Скайнет?! Главный враг? Что-то вроде мисс Паркер из Притворщика. Это уже интересно! Подсунут ей Дерека для знакомства, отвлечения и диверсии…у-у, я бы на это посмотрела! Потому что он ну сильно вряд ли справится с такой работой! Но больше ж некому! : ))))
2. Summer Glau will be back, in full force.
Нет, ну а кто-то сомневался?! Конечно, страшно было до ужаса, когда Кэм взорвалась, но это же самый главный терминатор сериала! Плюс никто так не танцует балет, как Кэм! Вопрос в другом: взрыв был достаточной силы, чтобы Кэм обгорела до основания, до своего любимого эндоскелета, а мне очередной фокус с искусственной плотью и сказочным пластическим хирургом не нужны. Так что не представляю как они выкрутятся… Единственное, что приходит в голову, так это простейшая отмазка на тему «неизвестная модель киборга» - и вуаля!
3. Brian Austin Green is joining the cast as a series regular, so, no New 90210 for him.
Ура-ура, хотя было бы верхом глупости не сделать этого, он же великолепен! Куча комментаторов на аглицких сайтах восхищалась Браем и утвердждала, что ТХСК заиграл всеми красками именно после Браевского вторжения в кадр! Мурр-мяу! Беверли я люблю, но Терминатор-то круче!
4. Some very minor spoilers from Mr. Friedman: "The show is about the family and everything that concerns the family concerns us. Last year, John was still in denial and didn’t want the problems of being a hero. This season will be his coming of age year. John will grow up and what will be interesting is that as the boy grows into a man, the less he’ll needs his mother. Sara’s ex will also be back. As will Agent Ellison. And I think it’s fair to say that Agent Ellison has seen some things that will make him re-consider everything he’s known before."
Ну, тут все предсказуемые мелочи: Джон будет взрослеть, становясь героем и все меньше нуждаясь в матери. Хотя как это, ведь она у нас главгероиня и вообще «богоматерь» нового времени. Вернется Чарли Диксон и агент Джеймс Эллисон тоже не оставит нас, вдобавок, он увидел так много, что по ходу, добьется встречи с Сарой и вольется в малочисленные пока еще ряды Сопротивления. Увы, про Дерека и Кэм ни слова. Из чего я, как шиппер делаю тотальное заключение, что тут-то как раз собака и порылась! То есть все у них будет и даже больше! А потому сию сладкую и основысотрясательную новость надо приберечь, завалив ее всякой чепухой.
5. Friedman is not big on the idea of cameos, so we probably won't be seeing Linda Hamilton or Michael Biehn.
Итак, дядя Фридман-сценарист не большой любитель так называемых камео (появления гетстарз?), так что мы, судя по всему, не будем иметь счастья лицезреть Линду Гамильтон и Майкла Бьена. Ы-ы, я расстроена! Уж последнего-то можно было бы как-нибудь… в виде старого, покрытого шрамами вояки в катакомбах будущего учивших пацанов выживать и воевать.
6. The goal is for next season to incorporate more action. More "Future War" episodes are possible, but they are the most expensive to make, and the msot time consuming.
Они хотят больше экшена, причем экшена в будущем. Ну да, почему бы и нет? Это круто! Еще бы узнать, где находятся декорации развалов будущего, если они, конечно, не полностью нарисованы, хотя это как раз и слишком дорого, а им, бедолагам, придется экономить каждый цент, чтобы рисовать терминаторов и летающие штуковины. А тут еще машина времени требует дополнительных финансовых вливаний.
7. Путешествия во времени возможны с 2020 года. Первый терминатор Т-101 был прислан из 2029 года. Кэмерон – из 2027 года.
8. NEWS POSTED APRIL 21, 2008. Season 2 Confirmed! The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that a second season of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is on its way. The initial Season 2 order is for 13 episodes; however, 13-episode commitments are frequent for networks, and should the new season launch to good ratings, we'll hopefully be getting more. Thanks to Njdeh for the tip.
Вот, пожалуйста, все было известно еще в апреле! А я страдала! Так, а теперь непонятно – опять будет неполный сезон? 13 серий? Надежда на отличные 13 серий и большой рейтинг у обозревателя есть, но…почему не 22???
9. Beyond that... both Thomas Dekker and Lena Headey have signed on to movies over their summer hiatus. Thomas will be in My Sister's Keeper, also starring Cameron Diaz, Jason Patric, and Abigail Breslin. Thomas plays the "older sister's boyfriend" who is also a cancer survivor. Lena will be in Tell-Tale opposite Josh Lucas. The movie is said to be inspired by the famous Edgar Allen Poe story "The Tell-Tale Heart." And in other movies, Anton Yelchin, who will be playing Chekov in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek reinvention, is said to be in negotiations to play a teenaged Kyle Reese in the upcoming fourth Terminator film.
Let's just hope they remember that Kyle now has a brother in the continuity...
Итак, наши герои вполне востребованы и в других фильмах. Но основная мысль здесь про то, что создатели Т4 должны помнить про то, что у Кайла теперь есть брат : )))) Конечно, это имеет мало отношения к Браю, потому что его-то точно не будет в Т4…хотя… если подумать! Почему бы и нет! Это было бы офи-ги-тель-но!!! Пусть в течении 10 минут, но… эх-х!
Гораздо хуже то, что мне не сообщили, чем в хиатус будет заниматься Брай!!! А мне позарез нужен новый фильм с ним, причем с главной ролью, причем с ролью положительно-неоднозначной…э-э…ну в общем, интересно написанной.
10. NEWS POSTED MARCH 3, 2008. Highlights From A Josh Friedman & Brian Austin Green Conference Call! To promote tonight's big Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles finale, FOX allowed several websites and members of the press to participate in a special telephone press conference with show executive producer/creator Josh Friedman as well as Brian Austin Green (Derek Reese). In it, they spoke about changing plans, possibilities for Season Two, Kyle Reese, and more! Read the interview!
Лежит у меня где-то это интервью! Сейчас пойду читать!
Вообще Браевских интервью у меня нет вообще, кроме одного старого, времен БХ. Это угнетает, даже очень. Не там ищу, я понимаю…
11. NEWS POSTED FEBRUARY 20, 2008 The Sarah Connor Chronicles Nominated For Three Saturn Awards Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles has been nominated for three Saturn Awards by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films. The winners will be announced on June 24 in Universal City, California. T:SCC was nominated in the following categories: Best Network Television Series (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles)Best Actress in a Television Series (Lena Headey). Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series (Summer Glau). You can read the full list of nominees here. Thanks to Njdeh for the tip!
Фигасе!!! Их уже номинировали!!! Причем практически мгновенно! Когда это Saturn Awards должно произойти?! И где номинация Брая???
12. NEWS POSTED FEBRUARY 11, 2008 T:SCC Executive Producer Josh Friedman Announces His ReturnOver at the FOX Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles wiki, series creator Josh Friedman has posted a blog announcing his return to writing duties at the conclusion of the Writers' Strike. Here's what he had to say in the first of what may be a regular blog feature at the T:SCC Wiki:
When the writer’s strike started fourteen weeks ago, Executive Producer John Wirth and I decided to cease performing our Executive Producer duties. I won’t speak for John but as for me, this was a painful choice. I could have continued doing the non-writing aspects of my job. But I was and am a writer first so I chose to leave. In doing so, John and I left James Middleton, our tireless friend and consulting producer, to balance an elephant on his nose without the aid of a peanut. (By the way, consulting producer suggests he has had someone to consult with since the strike began, or that others might be consulting with him. Truth is, we have left him completely alone. James has been the ONLY producer of this show for the entire strike.)
James oversaw the editing, mixing, effects, and music of every episode after the pilot. He has done every interview, confronted every problem, placed and answered every phone call, gotten up early and stayed up late. He has done a job that was previously being handled by three of us, and as far as I’m concerned he has done it better.If you love the show, say a special thank you to James. If you don’t love the show, it’s all my fault. John and I love the show. So we’ll say a special thank you to James: A special thank you to James. I have assiduously avoided promoting this show during the strike but I want all of you to know it is not for lack of interest or passion. I have been lurking on your chatrooms, bookmarking your websites, reading your reviews, and otherwise acting like a dad spying on his kid during freshman orientation week at college. Not that my dad did that (as far as I know) and not that I will do that (as far as you know).
As anyone who knows me can attest, my self-imposed silent treatment has been extremely painful; it is VERY DIFFICULT for me to keep my mouth shut.
Please be assured that I am VERY familiar with the rules of time travel as explained by Kyle Reese in the first movie. When Cromartie’s head goes through the time bubble, THERE IS FLESH ON IT. If you can’t see it, that’s because a) it’s burning off very quickly and b) certain people don’t like it when we show burning flesh, cyborg or not. (Historical note: The first person to ask me this head/bubble question was Jared in Props--a year ago while we were shooting the pilot.)
I would also like to mention that anyone who thinks Lena Headey isn’t big enough or tough enough to play Sarah Connor has not had the unpleasant surprise of been punched by her. I have—and I can only hope that someday each and every one of her doubters can experience her qualifications in this very clear and personal way.
This week’s episode is called “Queen’s Gambit.” It was written by Natalie Chaidez, a refugee from Heroes who, despite her small stature, is definitely the writer on our staff whom I would least want to get into a fistfight with. When we began shooting this episode Natalie expressed a great dissatisfaction for the number of times in previous episodes Sarah Connor had been seen in her trademark tank top. I think we make up for it in this one.
This episode includes what may be my favorite Cameron moment to date. I won’t say what it is but it’s freaking big…As tempting as it is to download everything I’ve been pondering the last four months, I think I’ll wrap up this first Joshblog now. On behalf of all of the writers, I’d like to thank everybody for watching the show—we know that we’re caretakers of a franchise that many of you love and we’re trying to handle it with all the passion and geekness that you would if it was you.
We’d also like to thank you for your support these last fourteen weeks—many of you came out and walked picket lines with us, or sent us emails, or just bitched online about how much you missed your shows. It meant a lot to us. The ability to broadcast on the public airways is a superpower that should only be used for the good of the people. Thanks for reminding our industry of that.
Take Back the Future. Josh Friedman
Итак, креатор сериала Джош Фридман жалуется на забастовку сценаристов и приносит многочисленные похвалы James Middleton, который сделал все лучшее в шоу, а все огрехи на совести самого Джоша. Еще Джош признается, что тихо сидел на чатах и форумах фанатов и следил за их высказываниями по поводу шоу. И сидеть ему там молча было очень и очень трудно, потому что он известное трепло и флудер! Наш человек!!! И поэтому сейчас он пользуется случаем, чтобы высказаться на тему перемещений во времени: голова и тело Кромарти были покрыты плотью, поэтому и смогли переместиться вместе с Коннорами, во время этого вся плоть и обгорела. Фридман благодарит свою команду сценаристов, а также всех фанатов за их поддержку во время забастовки сценаристов за все и-мейлы и возмущения сокращенным показом. В общем, по делу ни-че-го! И хде мой Брай??? Так и вижу его с плакатиком на шее «Заплатите, блин, ребятам, очень в кино хочется!».
Summer Glau Conference Call: January 31, 2008
To get out the hype that a new episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles airs on Monday, FOX allowed several websites and members of the press to participate in a special telephone press conference with Summer Glau (Cameron). In this conference, Glau talked about her character (of course!), her evolution, and of course, she talked about comparisons between Cameron and Firefly's River Tam.
У Саммер тоже была своя прессуха! Причем одиночная, ибо она звезда!
14. Ричард T. Jones (Agent James Ellison)
Thomas Dekker (John Connor)
Summer Glau (Cameron).
Brian Austin Green (Derek Reese)
15. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Takes Back The Sunday For FOX!
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was a ratings success in its series premiere, winning its timeslot. It is reported that 18 million viewers watched the very first episode last night.
18 миллионов зрителей это вам ни хухры-мухры! : ))))
16. Thomas Dekker (John Connor) Continuing our marathon of interviews with the cast of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, we now share our interview with Thomas Dekker (John Connor) conducted by TerminatorSite's Craig Byrne. Here's what Thomas had to say... "The thing about John that I like, that is interesting as an actor, is that he's constantly fighting his own battle inside himself, which is that he really doesn't want this burden," Thomas says. "Who would want it? But on the other hand, he's also really... he has it in there. It's there, so there's a big part of him that wants to fight, that wants that time to be there already, and then there's another part of him that's like no, no, no, go away. So there's an interesting argument." Thomas also spoke of his working relationship with Lena Headey, who plays his mother, Sarah Connor. "I've said this a million times in interviews, so people are going to have heard it again, but out of every honor I've had doing this show, that's been the biggest gift. Because I love her. We love each other. Working 14 hours, 16 hours a day with people, if we didn't like each other, I would have killed myself."
Keeping the secrets of the show's future to himself, Thomas did reveal that there will be some evolution to his character as the series progresses. "We said from Day One that it would be an arc. We wanted to start one place and eventually end up a totally different one. He's growing. He's changing. He's maturing. So we kind of started it in a place of fear and anxiety, and shyness, and he's sort of breaking out of that," he says.
Здесь Томас Деккер ака Джон Коннор пытается рассказать нам о своем герое и его душевных терзаниях на почве того, что ему приходится становиться спасителем человечества, а это совсем не весело и не интересно, как кажется со стороны. Видимо, он пытается объяснить некоторым фанам, почему Джон не с первой серии геройствует, а позволяет себе и понять, и пожаловаться и вообще эмичает. Потому что это сериал, это первые серии и логически герой должен куда-то дальше развиваться. И он таки будет расти, взрослеть и матереть, да!
So What Did You Think?
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles has now aired... what did you think?
Свершилось!!! Они вышли в эфир!
18. We're going to start off with some quotes from someone who is already quite popular among fans of science fiction - Summer Glau, who plays "Cameron" on the new series.
One thing we asked is if it is difficult to play a character that is so emotionless and robotic in certain situations, including a very tense action-packed sequence in the series' second episode.
"I am more comfortable with it over time, but it was very hard to get used to," Summer reveals. "I would say [it was] the little details you don't think about.. like crossing my legs, or moving my hair out of my face. I had to really strip myself of all of those human habits."
"It is very difficult when you're doing a scene with someone who's very emotional, she continues. "I do a lot of scenes with Lena [Headey], and she's a very passionate character. Very, very human and emotional, and I, as an actress, can't give any back to her. I just feel really guilty."
Summer Glau has very positive things to say about her fellow actors, Lena Headey and Thomas Dekker. "They make me laugh," Summer jokes, before being interrupted by Thomas signing a poster. "We work really long hours, and it's a very small cast. And if you look around at the casts of TV right now, they're all ensemble, and here we are making this really, really big action series where we're working a lot of hours, and it's just three people to really spread the workload around. So, being with people who make me laugh, and feel really close to and supported by, it's a blessing."
Саммер спросили, каково ей изображать безэмоционального робота. Она ответила, что очень старается не думать о таких вещах, как волосы, выбившиеся из прически, или…э-э…что кто-то наступил ей на ноги (?) : )))) В общем, она старается, ей нравится и все получается вполне неплохо, а главное, весело, потому что весь народ на съемочной площадке очень веселый и они постоянно смеются. Красота!
19. NEWS POSTED NOVEMBER 15, 2007 SCC Producer Talks About The Writers' Strike IGN.com caught up with Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles executive producer Josh Friedman earlier this week. They talked during this week's "Bring a Star Day" of picketing by the still-striking Writers' Guild writers. Friedman revealed that, because he is on strike, he is not participating in locking the episodes, but the show will be continuing without him as the strike persists.
"I have a very good non-writing producer, who is in there doing the best that he can. But editing is writing and it's another way to make your vision known. It's very frustrating for me not to be there. I have the choice. I can be there per my contract, but to me everything comes from writing and I just can't imagine walking past writers who aren't getting paid in order to pick up my producing paycheck. That just seems immoral," he says.
"They are editing without me. They're doing effects without me. They're shooting without me. They're doing everything without me, and it's very painful," Friedman says to IGN. "This is my first show and I usually have my hands in every little thing and that's how I like it. It's a difficult decision for any showrunner, because they're very protective of their material. They want to keep the work going for their crews. Those are our second families. It's challenging, but I just made a conscious choice that I'm a writer first and always and I wouldn't have my executive producer job if I wasn't a writer. So I respectfully declined."
Friedman, like many other writers, would like the strike to end as soon as possible. "Ultimately that's all we want," he says. "Everything that we do is about trying to get people to the table, have an honest conversation, get a fair deal and go back to work and do what we do. I mean I don't want to be walking out here in the sun."
Джош Фридман жалуется, что, участвуя в забастовке, он не может контролировать производство шоу. Все делается без него и его это очень расстраивает. Но он не может выйти из забастовки без результатов. Жизнь жестокая штука.
20. NEWS POSTED NOVEMBER 7, 2007 FOX has announced today that they will premiere Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles over two nights, rather than just on January 14, 2008 as originally expected.
Now, TSCC will premiere its first hour on Sunday, January 13 at 8PM, with Part Two airing on Monday, January 14 at 9PM. Mondays at 9PM will be Sarah Connor's weekly timeslot.
The timeslot change comes in the wake of the announcement that 24 will delay its seventh season until they know they have a full season's worth of interrupted episodes available.
Executive Producer Josh Friedman's blog reveals that a pilot and eight episodes of Sarah Connor have been shot prior to the strike, but none beyond the pilot have been edited or locked as of yet.
Hopefully this strike will resolve itself quickly so we can get 12 episodes as predicted this Spring.
Народ все еще надеялся, что удастся снять 12 эпизодов, а не 9, которыми все и ограничилось. Ы-ы-ы…

ТХСК: спойлеры, новости, информация
(с) TerminatorSite: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - News, Spoilers, & Moremenu:// _
The Forums @ KryptonSite
читать дальше 1. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is currently seeking two new actresses to join the cast of the show for Season Two. "Becky" is a teenage girl (high school age) and is said to be a "hot hipster." She's probably going to be a love interest for John. "Catherine" is the CEO of a major organization and is said to be "unusually Earthy." She'll be in her 30's or early 40's.We'll let you know when and if any casting announcements are made. Both roles are said to be series regulars.
Если я правильно поняла, идет кастинг двух актрис. Одна молодая и горячая, явно в подружки Джону (правильно, оставим Кэм для любимого дяди Дерека!), а другая зрелая и необычная «землянка» годов 30-40 в качестве главы администрации, только я не поняла какой именно. Скайнет?! Главный враг? Что-то вроде мисс Паркер из Притворщика. Это уже интересно! Подсунут ей Дерека для знакомства, отвлечения и диверсии…у-у, я бы на это посмотрела! Потому что он ну сильно вряд ли справится с такой работой! Но больше ж некому! : ))))
2. Summer Glau will be back, in full force.
Нет, ну а кто-то сомневался?! Конечно, страшно было до ужаса, когда Кэм взорвалась, но это же самый главный терминатор сериала! Плюс никто так не танцует балет, как Кэм! Вопрос в другом: взрыв был достаточной силы, чтобы Кэм обгорела до основания, до своего любимого эндоскелета, а мне очередной фокус с искусственной плотью и сказочным пластическим хирургом не нужны. Так что не представляю как они выкрутятся… Единственное, что приходит в голову, так это простейшая отмазка на тему «неизвестная модель киборга» - и вуаля!
3. Brian Austin Green is joining the cast as a series regular, so, no New 90210 for him.
Ура-ура, хотя было бы верхом глупости не сделать этого, он же великолепен! Куча комментаторов на аглицких сайтах восхищалась Браем и утвердждала, что ТХСК заиграл всеми красками именно после Браевского вторжения в кадр! Мурр-мяу! Беверли я люблю, но Терминатор-то круче!
4. Some very minor spoilers from Mr. Friedman: "The show is about the family and everything that concerns the family concerns us. Last year, John was still in denial and didn’t want the problems of being a hero. This season will be his coming of age year. John will grow up and what will be interesting is that as the boy grows into a man, the less he’ll needs his mother. Sara’s ex will also be back. As will Agent Ellison. And I think it’s fair to say that Agent Ellison has seen some things that will make him re-consider everything he’s known before."
Ну, тут все предсказуемые мелочи: Джон будет взрослеть, становясь героем и все меньше нуждаясь в матери. Хотя как это, ведь она у нас главгероиня и вообще «богоматерь» нового времени. Вернется Чарли Диксон и агент Джеймс Эллисон тоже не оставит нас, вдобавок, он увидел так много, что по ходу, добьется встречи с Сарой и вольется в малочисленные пока еще ряды Сопротивления. Увы, про Дерека и Кэм ни слова. Из чего я, как шиппер делаю тотальное заключение, что тут-то как раз собака и порылась! То есть все у них будет и даже больше! А потому сию сладкую и основысотрясательную новость надо приберечь, завалив ее всякой чепухой.
5. Friedman is not big on the idea of cameos, so we probably won't be seeing Linda Hamilton or Michael Biehn.
Итак, дядя Фридман-сценарист не большой любитель так называемых камео (появления гетстарз?), так что мы, судя по всему, не будем иметь счастья лицезреть Линду Гамильтон и Майкла Бьена. Ы-ы, я расстроена! Уж последнего-то можно было бы как-нибудь… в виде старого, покрытого шрамами вояки в катакомбах будущего учивших пацанов выживать и воевать.
6. The goal is for next season to incorporate more action. More "Future War" episodes are possible, but they are the most expensive to make, and the msot time consuming.
Они хотят больше экшена, причем экшена в будущем. Ну да, почему бы и нет? Это круто! Еще бы узнать, где находятся декорации развалов будущего, если они, конечно, не полностью нарисованы, хотя это как раз и слишком дорого, а им, бедолагам, придется экономить каждый цент, чтобы рисовать терминаторов и летающие штуковины. А тут еще машина времени требует дополнительных финансовых вливаний.
7. Путешествия во времени возможны с 2020 года. Первый терминатор Т-101 был прислан из 2029 года. Кэмерон – из 2027 года.
8. NEWS POSTED APRIL 21, 2008. Season 2 Confirmed! The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that a second season of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is on its way. The initial Season 2 order is for 13 episodes; however, 13-episode commitments are frequent for networks, and should the new season launch to good ratings, we'll hopefully be getting more. Thanks to Njdeh for the tip.
Вот, пожалуйста, все было известно еще в апреле! А я страдала! Так, а теперь непонятно – опять будет неполный сезон? 13 серий? Надежда на отличные 13 серий и большой рейтинг у обозревателя есть, но…почему не 22???
9. Beyond that... both Thomas Dekker and Lena Headey have signed on to movies over their summer hiatus. Thomas will be in My Sister's Keeper, also starring Cameron Diaz, Jason Patric, and Abigail Breslin. Thomas plays the "older sister's boyfriend" who is also a cancer survivor. Lena will be in Tell-Tale opposite Josh Lucas. The movie is said to be inspired by the famous Edgar Allen Poe story "The Tell-Tale Heart." And in other movies, Anton Yelchin, who will be playing Chekov in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek reinvention, is said to be in negotiations to play a teenaged Kyle Reese in the upcoming fourth Terminator film.
Let's just hope they remember that Kyle now has a brother in the continuity...
Итак, наши герои вполне востребованы и в других фильмах. Но основная мысль здесь про то, что создатели Т4 должны помнить про то, что у Кайла теперь есть брат : )))) Конечно, это имеет мало отношения к Браю, потому что его-то точно не будет в Т4…хотя… если подумать! Почему бы и нет! Это было бы офи-ги-тель-но!!! Пусть в течении 10 минут, но… эх-х!
Гораздо хуже то, что мне не сообщили, чем в хиатус будет заниматься Брай!!! А мне позарез нужен новый фильм с ним, причем с главной ролью, причем с ролью положительно-неоднозначной…э-э…ну в общем, интересно написанной.
10. NEWS POSTED MARCH 3, 2008. Highlights From A Josh Friedman & Brian Austin Green Conference Call! To promote tonight's big Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles finale, FOX allowed several websites and members of the press to participate in a special telephone press conference with show executive producer/creator Josh Friedman as well as Brian Austin Green (Derek Reese). In it, they spoke about changing plans, possibilities for Season Two, Kyle Reese, and more! Read the interview!
Лежит у меня где-то это интервью! Сейчас пойду читать!
Вообще Браевских интервью у меня нет вообще, кроме одного старого, времен БХ. Это угнетает, даже очень. Не там ищу, я понимаю…
11. NEWS POSTED FEBRUARY 20, 2008 The Sarah Connor Chronicles Nominated For Three Saturn Awards Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles has been nominated for three Saturn Awards by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films. The winners will be announced on June 24 in Universal City, California. T:SCC was nominated in the following categories: Best Network Television Series (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles)Best Actress in a Television Series (Lena Headey). Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series (Summer Glau). You can read the full list of nominees here. Thanks to Njdeh for the tip!
Фигасе!!! Их уже номинировали!!! Причем практически мгновенно! Когда это Saturn Awards должно произойти?! И где номинация Брая???
12. NEWS POSTED FEBRUARY 11, 2008 T:SCC Executive Producer Josh Friedman Announces His ReturnOver at the FOX Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles wiki, series creator Josh Friedman has posted a blog announcing his return to writing duties at the conclusion of the Writers' Strike. Here's what he had to say in the first of what may be a regular blog feature at the T:SCC Wiki:
When the writer’s strike started fourteen weeks ago, Executive Producer John Wirth and I decided to cease performing our Executive Producer duties. I won’t speak for John but as for me, this was a painful choice. I could have continued doing the non-writing aspects of my job. But I was and am a writer first so I chose to leave. In doing so, John and I left James Middleton, our tireless friend and consulting producer, to balance an elephant on his nose without the aid of a peanut. (By the way, consulting producer suggests he has had someone to consult with since the strike began, or that others might be consulting with him. Truth is, we have left him completely alone. James has been the ONLY producer of this show for the entire strike.)
James oversaw the editing, mixing, effects, and music of every episode after the pilot. He has done every interview, confronted every problem, placed and answered every phone call, gotten up early and stayed up late. He has done a job that was previously being handled by three of us, and as far as I’m concerned he has done it better.If you love the show, say a special thank you to James. If you don’t love the show, it’s all my fault. John and I love the show. So we’ll say a special thank you to James: A special thank you to James. I have assiduously avoided promoting this show during the strike but I want all of you to know it is not for lack of interest or passion. I have been lurking on your chatrooms, bookmarking your websites, reading your reviews, and otherwise acting like a dad spying on his kid during freshman orientation week at college. Not that my dad did that (as far as I know) and not that I will do that (as far as you know).
As anyone who knows me can attest, my self-imposed silent treatment has been extremely painful; it is VERY DIFFICULT for me to keep my mouth shut.
Please be assured that I am VERY familiar with the rules of time travel as explained by Kyle Reese in the first movie. When Cromartie’s head goes through the time bubble, THERE IS FLESH ON IT. If you can’t see it, that’s because a) it’s burning off very quickly and b) certain people don’t like it when we show burning flesh, cyborg or not. (Historical note: The first person to ask me this head/bubble question was Jared in Props--a year ago while we were shooting the pilot.)
I would also like to mention that anyone who thinks Lena Headey isn’t big enough or tough enough to play Sarah Connor has not had the unpleasant surprise of been punched by her. I have—and I can only hope that someday each and every one of her doubters can experience her qualifications in this very clear and personal way.
This week’s episode is called “Queen’s Gambit.” It was written by Natalie Chaidez, a refugee from Heroes who, despite her small stature, is definitely the writer on our staff whom I would least want to get into a fistfight with. When we began shooting this episode Natalie expressed a great dissatisfaction for the number of times in previous episodes Sarah Connor had been seen in her trademark tank top. I think we make up for it in this one.
This episode includes what may be my favorite Cameron moment to date. I won’t say what it is but it’s freaking big…As tempting as it is to download everything I’ve been pondering the last four months, I think I’ll wrap up this first Joshblog now. On behalf of all of the writers, I’d like to thank everybody for watching the show—we know that we’re caretakers of a franchise that many of you love and we’re trying to handle it with all the passion and geekness that you would if it was you.
We’d also like to thank you for your support these last fourteen weeks—many of you came out and walked picket lines with us, or sent us emails, or just bitched online about how much you missed your shows. It meant a lot to us. The ability to broadcast on the public airways is a superpower that should only be used for the good of the people. Thanks for reminding our industry of that.
Take Back the Future. Josh Friedman
Итак, креатор сериала Джош Фридман жалуется на забастовку сценаристов и приносит многочисленные похвалы James Middleton, который сделал все лучшее в шоу, а все огрехи на совести самого Джоша. Еще Джош признается, что тихо сидел на чатах и форумах фанатов и следил за их высказываниями по поводу шоу. И сидеть ему там молча было очень и очень трудно, потому что он известное трепло и флудер! Наш человек!!! И поэтому сейчас он пользуется случаем, чтобы высказаться на тему перемещений во времени: голова и тело Кромарти были покрыты плотью, поэтому и смогли переместиться вместе с Коннорами, во время этого вся плоть и обгорела. Фридман благодарит свою команду сценаристов, а также всех фанатов за их поддержку во время забастовки сценаристов за все и-мейлы и возмущения сокращенным показом. В общем, по делу ни-че-го! И хде мой Брай??? Так и вижу его с плакатиком на шее «Заплатите, блин, ребятам, очень в кино хочется!».
Summer Glau Conference Call: January 31, 2008
To get out the hype that a new episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles airs on Monday, FOX allowed several websites and members of the press to participate in a special telephone press conference with Summer Glau (Cameron). In this conference, Glau talked about her character (of course!), her evolution, and of course, she talked about comparisons between Cameron and Firefly's River Tam.
У Саммер тоже была своя прессуха! Причем одиночная, ибо она звезда!
14. Ричард T. Jones (Agent James Ellison)
Thomas Dekker (John Connor)
Summer Glau (Cameron).
Brian Austin Green (Derek Reese)
15. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Takes Back The Sunday For FOX!
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was a ratings success in its series premiere, winning its timeslot. It is reported that 18 million viewers watched the very first episode last night.
18 миллионов зрителей это вам ни хухры-мухры! : ))))
16. Thomas Dekker (John Connor) Continuing our marathon of interviews with the cast of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, we now share our interview with Thomas Dekker (John Connor) conducted by TerminatorSite's Craig Byrne. Here's what Thomas had to say... "The thing about John that I like, that is interesting as an actor, is that he's constantly fighting his own battle inside himself, which is that he really doesn't want this burden," Thomas says. "Who would want it? But on the other hand, he's also really... he has it in there. It's there, so there's a big part of him that wants to fight, that wants that time to be there already, and then there's another part of him that's like no, no, no, go away. So there's an interesting argument." Thomas also spoke of his working relationship with Lena Headey, who plays his mother, Sarah Connor. "I've said this a million times in interviews, so people are going to have heard it again, but out of every honor I've had doing this show, that's been the biggest gift. Because I love her. We love each other. Working 14 hours, 16 hours a day with people, if we didn't like each other, I would have killed myself."
Keeping the secrets of the show's future to himself, Thomas did reveal that there will be some evolution to his character as the series progresses. "We said from Day One that it would be an arc. We wanted to start one place and eventually end up a totally different one. He's growing. He's changing. He's maturing. So we kind of started it in a place of fear and anxiety, and shyness, and he's sort of breaking out of that," he says.
Здесь Томас Деккер ака Джон Коннор пытается рассказать нам о своем герое и его душевных терзаниях на почве того, что ему приходится становиться спасителем человечества, а это совсем не весело и не интересно, как кажется со стороны. Видимо, он пытается объяснить некоторым фанам, почему Джон не с первой серии геройствует, а позволяет себе и понять, и пожаловаться и вообще эмичает. Потому что это сериал, это первые серии и логически герой должен куда-то дальше развиваться. И он таки будет расти, взрослеть и матереть, да!
So What Did You Think?
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles has now aired... what did you think?
Свершилось!!! Они вышли в эфир!
18. We're going to start off with some quotes from someone who is already quite popular among fans of science fiction - Summer Glau, who plays "Cameron" on the new series.
One thing we asked is if it is difficult to play a character that is so emotionless and robotic in certain situations, including a very tense action-packed sequence in the series' second episode.
"I am more comfortable with it over time, but it was very hard to get used to," Summer reveals. "I would say [it was] the little details you don't think about.. like crossing my legs, or moving my hair out of my face. I had to really strip myself of all of those human habits."
"It is very difficult when you're doing a scene with someone who's very emotional, she continues. "I do a lot of scenes with Lena [Headey], and she's a very passionate character. Very, very human and emotional, and I, as an actress, can't give any back to her. I just feel really guilty."
Summer Glau has very positive things to say about her fellow actors, Lena Headey and Thomas Dekker. "They make me laugh," Summer jokes, before being interrupted by Thomas signing a poster. "We work really long hours, and it's a very small cast. And if you look around at the casts of TV right now, they're all ensemble, and here we are making this really, really big action series where we're working a lot of hours, and it's just three people to really spread the workload around. So, being with people who make me laugh, and feel really close to and supported by, it's a blessing."
Саммер спросили, каково ей изображать безэмоционального робота. Она ответила, что очень старается не думать о таких вещах, как волосы, выбившиеся из прически, или…э-э…что кто-то наступил ей на ноги (?) : )))) В общем, она старается, ей нравится и все получается вполне неплохо, а главное, весело, потому что весь народ на съемочной площадке очень веселый и они постоянно смеются. Красота!
19. NEWS POSTED NOVEMBER 15, 2007 SCC Producer Talks About The Writers' Strike IGN.com caught up with Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles executive producer Josh Friedman earlier this week. They talked during this week's "Bring a Star Day" of picketing by the still-striking Writers' Guild writers. Friedman revealed that, because he is on strike, he is not participating in locking the episodes, but the show will be continuing without him as the strike persists.
"I have a very good non-writing producer, who is in there doing the best that he can. But editing is writing and it's another way to make your vision known. It's very frustrating for me not to be there. I have the choice. I can be there per my contract, but to me everything comes from writing and I just can't imagine walking past writers who aren't getting paid in order to pick up my producing paycheck. That just seems immoral," he says.
"They are editing without me. They're doing effects without me. They're shooting without me. They're doing everything without me, and it's very painful," Friedman says to IGN. "This is my first show and I usually have my hands in every little thing and that's how I like it. It's a difficult decision for any showrunner, because they're very protective of their material. They want to keep the work going for their crews. Those are our second families. It's challenging, but I just made a conscious choice that I'm a writer first and always and I wouldn't have my executive producer job if I wasn't a writer. So I respectfully declined."
Friedman, like many other writers, would like the strike to end as soon as possible. "Ultimately that's all we want," he says. "Everything that we do is about trying to get people to the table, have an honest conversation, get a fair deal and go back to work and do what we do. I mean I don't want to be walking out here in the sun."
Джош Фридман жалуется, что, участвуя в забастовке, он не может контролировать производство шоу. Все делается без него и его это очень расстраивает. Но он не может выйти из забастовки без результатов. Жизнь жестокая штука.
20. NEWS POSTED NOVEMBER 7, 2007 FOX has announced today that they will premiere Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles over two nights, rather than just on January 14, 2008 as originally expected.
Now, TSCC will premiere its first hour on Sunday, January 13 at 8PM, with Part Two airing on Monday, January 14 at 9PM. Mondays at 9PM will be Sarah Connor's weekly timeslot.
The timeslot change comes in the wake of the announcement that 24 will delay its seventh season until they know they have a full season's worth of interrupted episodes available.
Executive Producer Josh Friedman's blog reveals that a pilot and eight episodes of Sarah Connor have been shot prior to the strike, but none beyond the pilot have been edited or locked as of yet.
Hopefully this strike will resolve itself quickly so we can get 12 episodes as predicted this Spring.
Народ все еще надеялся, что удастся снять 12 эпизодов, а не 9, которыми все и ограничилось. Ы-ы-ы…
